

The following is the tentative  schedule of 原始點推按 (origin pain point relief) Monthly practice in NJ location, in 2023:

新澤西推廣點 A / Northern Area:

850 US Highway 46, Parsippany, NJ 07054 (enter from the back of the building)

(鑫鑫超市隔壁棟商場 Building next to Top Quality Food Market)

服務項目:     1.原始點保健諮詢服務




 2023年 服務時間 / 2023 Schedule (pre-registration is required.)

每周六:下午 1:00~5:00

Saturdays 1:00~5:00 p.m.

新澤西推廣點 B (近費城) / Southern Area (close to Philadelphia)

新澤西州福慧寺 AABE Temple & Retreat Center

123 Second Street, Rancocas Village, Westampton, NJ 08073

服務項目:    1.原始點保健資料提供


服務時間: 每週三:  上午 10:00 ~ 下午 5:00  (請預約報名)

Hours: Wednesday   10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

  • 預約與諮詢服務及基礎手法班均需預約報名。For registration

請電郵(Email) njysd@njysd.org / 電話留言(Voice message) 862-212-9327 / 732-895-5485

  • 報名需提供基本資料: 姓名、年齡、電話、電郵。Please provide name, age, phone number, and email.
  • 免費      Free admission.
  • 基礎手法班人數: 每期十六人, 額滿為止 。(當月兩週 為一期)


  1. 報名諮詢服務者, 必須由成年親友陪同。
  2. 手法班新學員:

(1). 上課前務必觀看張釗漢醫師有關原始點保健的理論、演講及手法影片,以助學習。

(2). 上課時需着柔軟舒適服裝(有袖上衣,非粗布長褲),大小毛巾各一條,保溫杯(供應薑粉)和修短指甲。

  1. 推廣點現場內禁止商業行為,並謝絕照像、攝影、錄音及訪談。亦請勿談論與原始點無關的其他論述。

4.  由於推廣點空間有限,無事先報名預約者,謝絕入場或参觀。

For whom are interested in the class of beginner, please email us (email to njysd@njysd.org) your contact information, i.e.  your name, age and email address or phone number. Once we have received your email we will add you into our distribution list and email you the monthly practice note every month. The beginner class is from 1pm to 5pm.

For those who have learned and passed the beginner class,  welcome to walk in any time. We will have volunteer to help you to polish your Yuan Shi Dian technique.  The practice time for those intermediate friends is from 3pm to 5pm.

 Please wear sports outfits with soft fabrics, bring a small towel to support your head, a big towel to support your body and your own water cup.

No photography or video recording during class, practice, and service.